ARTful: using or characterized by art and skill

Salvage: to rescue or save especially from wreckage or ruin

[ARTful] Salvage was born from a love of creating, repurposing and salvaging. I simply abhor seeing perfectly "useful" items headed for the landfill or tucked away in a cardboard box, never seeing the light of day. I believe there is always beauty to be found, even under a layer of rust or a coating of dust. I see scratches, dents or imperfections as badges of honor to be worn proudly. I have a great love for the history, story and life of a piece. We lovingly dream up ways of restoring new life to these discarded and neglected fragments of life. I am glad you are here and hope you will come again often. Please make yourself at home; friends are always welcome. I'd be thrilled to hear from you and get to know you better.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just listed 7 Glass Plate Flowers.....check them out!

Today I listed 7 new No-kill, Ever-blooming Glass Plate Flowers over in our Etsy store. They are equally at home brightening your garden or gracing your walls. Please check them out, share them and let me know what you think. I am especially fond of the vintage deviled egg plate one, although the red one calls to me as well! Which is your favorite? Please do click the pics to appreciate them....smiles.

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